Services: Systems Integration

Closely tied to our systems application development and integration solutions are our systems integration services. This team works in conjunction with our developers to ensure that any specialized design or customized solution is implemented properly and integrated in such a way as to minimize business interruption.

Our experience tells us that the more complicated the solution, the more risk is often inherent in the integration of that solution. Therefore, we created a highly specialized team of systems and application integration consultants who participate as part of any project requiring complex development and architectural design. This team is a part of the process from assessment to testing and works as an "inside consultant" within Venture guiding the project to a successful implementation throughout the process. On many of our implementations this team member would be considered a project manager who possesses highly specialized technical skills to guarantee a thorough and complete understanding of all aspects of project.

This unique position is a major differentiator from other IT service providers and the successful track record of implementations and customer retention at Venture Technologies is a testimony to this fact.