Solutions: Information Security: Security Information Manager

One of the primary challenges of threat detection and information security is the sheer volume of data that needs to be analyzed. An information security manager can integrate all the security data information, correlate the data and analyze the information so IT managers can proactively plan IT security strategies.

Additionally, the event and information management provides organizations with a means of adhering to regulatory compliance issues. Many of the solutions we offer include customized reporting features so you can receive the needed information in the correct format for your particular industry.

Receiving, correlating and analyzing the security data information via an automated solution along with customized reporting saves your organization a tremendous amount of time and resources. Our engineers understand the deployment of these solutions and our project managers are able to provide you with real world ROI analysis to evaluate whether a SIM solution is a good fit for your organization.

Many of our deployments are appliance based and require no additional stress on your network operations. The set up is straightforward and we work closely with your team in a post-deployment role to ensure that you are receiving the exact information and reporting you need. We believe in remaining engaged with the key project stakeholders to ensure a successful implementation.